
Catalytic converter thefts

There has been a spate of catalytic converter thefts in the North Cotswolds area recently, including here in Longborough just this past week.  Catalytic converters are a crucial component of a car’s exhaust system.  They clean harmful gases before they exit a vehicle’s exhaust pipe. If yours is stolen, you will know because your vehicle’s engine will sound different.

To reduce the risk of having your catalytic converter stolen, you should:

  • Park your car in a locked garage where possible, but if this isn’t an option, then park it in a well-lit and well-populated area.
  • Park close to fences, walls or a kerb with the exhaust being closest to the fence, wall or kerb to make the theft more difficult.
  • Avoid parking your vehicle half on the pavement and half on the road, as this may make it easier for thieves to access the catalytic converter.
  • If parking in a public car park, consider parking alongside other cars and facing your bonnet towards the wall if possible. With the catalytic converter positioned at the front of your vehicle, this will make it harder for thieves to get close enough to steal it.
  • If there is a fleet of vehicles, park the low clearance vehicles to block the high clearance vehicles. This will obstruct access underneath.
  • If your catalytic converter is bolted on, you can ask for your local garage to weld the bolts to make it more difficult to remove.
  • Alternatively, you can also etch a serial number on the converter.
  • You can even purchase a ‘cage clamp’ which is a cage device that locks in around the converter to make it more difficult to remove.
  • Speak to your dealership about the possibility of adding a tilt sensor that will activate the alarm should any thief try to jack the vehicle up to steal the converter.

If you see someone acting suspiciously under a vehicle, report it to the Police. Obtain as much information as possible, including any vehicle registrations.  If you suspect your catalytic converter has been stolen, report it to the police immediately by calling 101.