New Service Starting Tuesday 24th March
Reminder – The new collection arrangements start this week.
Here is a summary of the service. The new black food bin is for food waste only and will be collected weekly, starting Tuesday 24th March.
The following containers will be collected fortnightly, again with the first collection being made on Tuesday 24th March:
- The new larger blue bag for cardboard (replaces your current smaller blue bag).
- The grey wheelie bin for land fill refuse (no change).
- The green wheelie bin (if you subscribe to that service) for garden waste only. Please do not put food waste in the green wheelie bin as it will not be collected if you do.
- The current white bag for mixed recycling such as tins, cans, empty aerosols, clean foil, plastic bottles, pots, trays etc. Tetra Pak cartons can now also be included.
- The current black recycling boxes – one for paper and another for unbroken glass (bottles, jars etc).
If you need any further information, click here