
Ash Dieback – Replanting Scheme

You may be aware that in 2020, GCC Highways launched their “Ash Dieback” project to start to tackle the effects of the disease within the county.  Ash Dieback damages tree’s limbs and causes them to become unsafe, which can lead to the death of a tree.

Since June 2020, GCC Highways has managed to remove 2,400 infected Ash Trees which posed a danger to highway users. They are now moving into their replanting phase and are encouraging local parish councils to identify suitable areas for replanting and for parish councils to make appropriate replanting applications to GCC Highways.

We would therefore ask that if anyone living in the Parish has had to have tree felling carried out due to Ash Dieback, please let us know by contacting any Councillor, or the Clerk directly, and we will be happy to submit a replanting request. Planting will take place in February amd March.  Please note that the deadline for us to submit applications is January 29th 2021.  Relevant contact details can be found here.